Urgent Care VS ED
/ July 9, 2019Your Doctor-Urgent Care – E.D.
Choose the best option for your medical care.
1. Call or See My Doctor
Having a conversation with your doctor and knowing his or her availability is very important.
When you need medical care but feel safe to wait a day:
- Runny nose
- Simple backache
- Sore throat
- Earache
- Flu-like symptoms
- Yeast infection
- Headache
2. Go to an Urgent Care Clinic
Maybe you tried to schedule an appointment with your doctor, or you talked with a doctor who directs you to a walk-in clinic.
When you need medical care today and feel safe to wait a few hours:
- Twisted or sprained ankle
- Animal bite
- Cuts and bumps
- Migraine
3. Go to the Emergency Room or Call 911
When you need medical care now and do not feel safe waiting due to:
- Trouble breathing or chest pain
- Fainting
- Sudden numbness or weakness
- Uncontrolled bleeding
- Severe pain or serious injury
- Ingestion of poisonous substance
- Head or spine injury
- Severe burn or wound
*When in doubt, go to the emergency room.
For more information visit: www.NEABaptist.com OR call 870-936-8000
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