Is your body balanced? Helping the body's metabolic system or hormones to find a normal range for performance is part of the formula for better health.
Endocrinology is the specialty dealing with hormonal and metabolic diseases – those glands that work through internal secretions. The specialty is fully described as endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism, emphasizing that metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes make up a large part of our caseload.
Diabetes is a common illness, and most endocrinologists spend the bulk of their time seeing diabetics. Thyroid disease of all types is another large group. Other organs appropriate for endocrinology evaluation include the adrenal, pituitary, and parathyroid glands.
Adult Endocrinology is actually a subspecialty of internal medicine.
Endocrinology is primarily an outpatient specialty since many of the diseases we deal with usually don’t make people acutely ill enough to require hospitalization. We perform few invasive procedures other than thyroid biopsy. It is also primarily a referral practice, although endocrinologists may act as primary care physicians for those with complicated diabetes, or those whose only serious medical problem is hormonal.
We specialize in diagnosing and treating causes of high and low calcium levels, metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis, lipid disorders such as high cholesterol, and disorders of male and female hormonal balance. Pediatric endocrinologists also see patients with delayed growth and early or late puberty
Diabetes and Health Management
The NEA Baptist Clinic Diabetes and Health Management Center focuses on patient education to provide the knowledge and skills required for diabetes self-care. Patients are assisted in making the social adjustments to living with this chronic disease. They are guided through the lifestyle changes necessary for lifetime diabetes management.
The center’s goal is to assist patients in managing diabetes with diet, exercise, and medications while preventing complications of the disease. In-house research projects will focus on risk factors and patient care issues in order to improve the quality of life in our diabetic patients and their families.
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Endocrinology is the specialty dealing with hormonal and metabolic diseases – those glands that work through internal secretions. The specialty is fully described as endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism, emphasizing that metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes make up a large part of our caseload.
Diabetes is a common illness, and most endocrinologists spend the bulk of their time seeing diabetics. Thyroid disease of all types is another large group. Other organs appropriate for endocrinology evaluation include the adrenal, pituitary, and parathyroid glands.
Adult Endocrinology is actually a subspecialty of internal medicine.
Endocrinology is primarily an outpatient specialty since many of the diseases we deal with usually don’t make people acutely ill enough to require hospitalization. We perform few invasive procedures other than thyroid biopsy. It is also primarily a referral practice, although endocrinologists may act as primary care physicians for those with complicated diabetes, or those whose only serious medical problem is hormonal.
We specialize in diagnosing and treating causes of high and low calcium levels, metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis, lipid disorders such as high cholesterol, and disorders of male and female hormonal balance. Pediatric endocrinologists also see patients with delayed growth and early or late puberty
Diabetes and Health Management
The NEA Baptist Clinic Diabetes and Health Management Center focuses on patient education to provide the knowledge and skills required for diabetes self-care. Patients are assisted in making the social adjustments to living with this chronic disease. They are guided through the lifestyle changes necessary for lifetime diabetes management.
The center’s goal is to assist patients in managing diabetes with diet, exercise, and medications while preventing complications of the disease. In-house research projects will focus on risk factors and patient care issues in order to improve the quality of life in our diabetic patients and their families.